Transparent and holistic remuneration approach

The topic of remuneration structure and management is in the tension between employee and company interests and is of great strategic importance. A transparent and comprehensive remuneration approach, which combines variable remuneration components with the company strategy and sets them with the fixed components in a relationship that is sustainable for all stakeholders, can reconcile the different interests at this point. As a result, performance and competitiveness can be increased and employee satisfaction ensured.

The remuneration framework "Total Remuneration" implemented by us ensures that the individual performance of the employees as well as the company result are closely linked to the remuneration. The introduction of the new compensation component Recognition Award also reduced the effort for the bonus planning of low salary levels and increased the motivation by recognizing the time.

Our experts for remuneration framework

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Dr. Heiko Mauterer

Senior Partner

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Marko Kleiner


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