Co-pilot to your future in sales

Tomorrow's sales models rigorously place customer needs at the center of action and therefore protect against disruption - set your course today!

The days when successful and, above all, future-proof sales organizations were based solely on superior sales staff, efficient sales processes and a lean sales organization are long gone. Today's influences on existing business and sales models are too diverse and have become too complex. Growing competitive pressure is exacerbated by expanding disruption and the entry of new agile competitors. In addition, increasing market transparency is driving the need for improving customer experience and interaction in shorter cycles. Established business models are thus threatened in their future viability and resilience. Past sales successes are no guarantee for future successes and certainly no guarantee for future existence. Set the right course today!

Being fit for the future means rigorously placing the customer at the center of thinking in all business areas. Gearing products and sales towards customers is simply not enough. Customers rather expect to be surprised and inspired at every contact point on their individual "journey". Customers will become fans and ambassadors of a company only if all employees develop a deep self-perception of wanting to inspire their customers.

It is therefore not any longer about simply selling products or services, but rather about creating added value through individualized customer services. Customers do not buy products but seek advice on how to satisfy their needs and wishes best. To meet these needs in the best way and maximize customer satisfaction at the same time, companies should embed their expertise in needs-centered ecosystems. Consequently, the question arises as to whether companies should set up their own ecosystem or join an existing one.

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Our Services

Future-proof Model

Consulting Expertise
Future Proof Business Model:

  • Sustainable Sales and Revenue Model
  • AI in Sales
  • Ecosystem and Platform Strategy
  • Digitalization within Sales
  • Omnichanel 2.0
  • End-to-End Digitalization


Customer Centricity

Consulting Expertise
Customer Centricity:

  • Transformation to a Customer-centric Organization
  • Customer Value Selling
  • Customer integrated Product Design
  • Customer Journey Management
  • Transparency Customer Satisfaction (NPS)
Sales Excellence

Consulting Expertise
Sales Excellence:

  • Operating Model Sales
  • CRM Strategy
  • Sales Management
  • Sales Efficiency
  • Crossselling
  • Pricing Strategy


Your Experts

Patrick Utsch


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Hans-Martin Schneider

Senior Partner

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Patrizia Bamberg-Kunz


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Contact Us

We would like to emphasize that this website provides only a limited insight into our services. Our expertise and range of services cannot be fully represented on this platform. For personalized consultation and to address your specific concerns most effectively, we warmly invite you to contact us directly. We are committed to offering tailored solutions to meet your needs.

Thank you for your trust. We look forward to hearing from you.


Claudia Bauer

Head of Marketing & Business Development

+49 89 599 882 0

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Maike Ring

Expert Marketing & Business Development

+49 89 599 882 0

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